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American democracy will be grounded in civic participation and mutual understanding.


Catalyze a generation of leaders who bridge divides and strengthen civic dialogue.

Cogenerational and multiracial hands together_notext_black and white filter


We respect ourselves and others. We have confidence in our own ideas while seeking to understand and value alternative perspectives.


We commit to continuous learning about ourselves and others, seeing our mistakes as opportunities to learn, and supporting others through challenge. We commit to humbly naming when we don’t know how to do something or need help.


We commit to open communication, and to taking risks to have hard conversations.


We work collaboratively with each other and the communities where we live and serve. We listen first, and continuously seek to elevate diverse and divergent perspectives.


We take responsibility for our actions and their impact on others.


Red and white concrete building under blue sky during daytime


America's divisions are tearing at the fabric of our democracy

and the relationships of everyday Americans.


America is nearing a critical tipping point. Fueled by deep cultural divisions,

polarization is tearing at the fabric of our democracy by

eroding trust and compassion between friends, neighbors, and institutions.


It doesn't have to be this way. Our future is shared, and it is ours to shape.


In an ecosystem where our divides receive more attention than our solutions,

Move for America is catalyzing a generation of civic bridge builders.

These Move for America Fellows engage diverse perspectives to solve local challenges.


Together, we are building a
compassionate, collaborative future.


To learn how, read about our Fellowship Program.


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